Clarity Exercise

Life Purpose Statement

Creating a Life Purpose Statement is an attempt to distill and articulate your ‘why’.

Why are you here? What makes this life meaningful for you?

We want to make sure that the goals you’re setting, the way you’re spending your time and where you are putting your attention and focus make sense according to what is important to you.

It can feel like a lot of pressure to come up with the perfect, most-fitting statement. Instead, I encourage you to consider this a first draft and a work in progress.

The way we see our purpose will change over time and this is but just one moment to check in and try to encapsulate what you see here, now. So, let’s get started.


Carve out one hour of time to move through the visualization prompts below.

  1. Listen to each recorded prompt one at a time.

  2. Stop after each prompt to write a reflection of what you saw in your visualization.

  3. After you have moved through all four prompts, go back through your writing and look for themes.

  4. Write a first draft of a Life Purpose Statement. See examples below.

  5. Be prepared to share Life Purpose Statement draft with me at our next session.


  • Try not to overthink things, let your imagination wander and your intuition lead

  • Be curious and open to where your mind goes

  • If you prefer reflecting about things out loud, record yourself sharing about what you saw in the visualization and then go back and listen to your recording when searching for themes

Life Purpose Statement: Guided Journey #1
Melissa Wong
Life Purpose Statement: Guided Journey #2
Melissa Wong
Life Purpose Statement: Guided Journey #3
Melissa Wong
Life Purpose Statement: Guided Journey #4
Melissa Wong

Purpose statement Format ideas:

I am the [metaphor] who/that [impact].

i.e. I am the lighthouse that helps people come home to themselves.

I  help/create [audience] [outcome] so that they can [impact].

i.e. I help creatives rediscover their unique voice so that our world can be more vibrant.

i.e. I create stories that make young people believe that anything is possible so that we live in a world with more possibility and love.

**The current version of my purpose statement is: "I am the belief that people's unique expression is worthy so they can be and love themselves and the world becomes more alive and vibrant"

While I could be living my purpose statement doing all different kinds of things, coaching is a pretty spot-on way for me to be living my purpose every day.

Looking forward to hearing what you come up with!