Clarity Exercise

Future self visualization

This 11 minute recording will take you on you a short imaginative journey.

Let your intuition lead you here. Don’t overthink or prepare. Just let yourself be guided.

Prepare to spend at least 25 minutes on this exercise in a place where you will be uninterrupted.

Grab something to write with and record your thoughts after the visualization is over.

✏️ Journaling prompts (for after the visualization):

  1. What does the dwelling or location of your future self look like? Describe the place and surrounding area. 

  2. Describe your future self, eyes, clothes, energy, etc.

  3. What is it that you most remember about the past twenty years?”

  4. What other questions did you ask your future self and what did they say? 

  5. How did your future self answer the questions: “What do I need to know to get me from where I am now to where you are? What would be most helpful?”

  6. What name, other than your first name, are you called by?

  7. What was the gift that you received from your future self?